Discover the heartwarming story of a family farm committed to producing high-quality Angus beef. Managed by David, a fourth-generation farmer with a passion for the cattle industry, this operation represents a return to traditional farming values. David's journey began in high school, marked by accolades in Angus breed showing that built the foundation for his robust cattle herd over the last 20 years. Together with his family, who are equally passionate about the land and its yield, they have shifted from commercial farming to a more sustainable lifestyle, prioritizing health, quality, and family.
The farm prides itself not only on its premium Angus beef but also on the lifestyle it promotes—raising a family in a nurturing environment while cultivating quality crops. With five energetic boys roaming the pastures and a handful of loyal dogs, the farm echoes a deep connection to country life. The commitment to responsible farming and ranching practices ensures that customers receive meat free from additives and raised in a supportive environment. By choosing their beef, you aren’t just purchasing a product; you're supporting a family’s dream and sustainable farming. Join them in their journey of healthy living and honest agriculture, and see the difference that local, farm-raised beef can make in your kitchen.